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Dear Sherry:First, I want to salute you for joinnig Kiva and become a Kiva lender. It is also an honor to have you on Nonzero Club at Kiva.Secondly, I want to thank you for supporting our salon at Taipei 101. I know that people who select our salon service are all special one.Thirdly, I still want to thank you for making my day by being there for my talk. I really enjoy the sharing of my life experience with you all who are ready and willing to invest time and money to get to know yourself better. It is a precious lesson that I learned when I was in the States. I always invested my time and money to attend training or personal growth courses ( Dale Carnegie Training, for example, on my own cost and time ) so I will get to know that I am a person who is not stingy and calculation on the cost and benefit all the time. I always follow my heart when there is a joggling between mind and heart. Too many people did not know themselves because they are the person they don't like to be friend with: Always calculating the cost and benefit before committing to do anything, including learning and time invested.Actually, it is so easy. All you need to do is to find out why you made the decision to buy things. You will know your motivation and concerns so you will know what kind of person you are.Again, we are not perfect. Therefore, know who you are and, most importantly, allow yourself to be human.Love you,Ping

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Page last modified on May 27, 2015, at 07:55 PM